Tuesday, March 31, 2009

First Post

I'm not entirely sure how to start this post. I don't know how formal these posts should be or if they should be structured or if I can just ramble about my thoughts so bear with me. And I pick to just ramble about my thoughts until someone tells it's supposed to be done differently.

The hypothesis of altered states being the universal origin of religion is an interesting one and makes me wonder when and why altered states were removed from certain religions. I also wonder if people will start using this argument as a reason to legalize certain drugs, but that is beside the point. I'm a bit skeptical of the altered state's argument, that shaman fly or are driven into the ground during their "trips" making caves a connection to another world. This skepticism comes mainly from the fact that I have not been in any altered states so I don't know if this up or down sensation really happens.

In true liberal arts fashion I suppose, I think that a combination of all the theories is probably the most accurate option. I also think that there is no way all of prehistoric western Europe had one religion, so trying to find one is a silly idea. Beliefs vary from individuals, families, and communities. Two people may both consider themselves Christian, but they will not have the exact same beliefs nor will they have the same rituals, so we should acknowledge that difference in the first homo sapiens as well. About 50,000 years ago homo sapiens brains were "rewired", and it is only after that time that we see the beginnings of language, symbols, arts, etc. I agree with Clottes and Williams that there would have been some sharing of symbols and ideas but I do not think that necessarily means the symbol or idea held the same meaning in different communities. For example the symbolic hand gesture thumbs-up exists in both American and Australian culture, but in Australia it is an insult, where as in America it is a positive gesture.

Finally I wish that Clottes and Williams would have provided more facts to back up the theories they describe. I would have liked to know what animals are placed where in the caves if that evidence supports the structural theory or what animals show up in what regions and in what amounts if that information is important in evaluating the totem or hunting theories by that.

I look forward to our class discussion on this article.