Many of the pictures found in tombs also reflect the idea of life after death. In this picture food is being set out for the "ka". Sometimes real food was also used. The "ka" doesn't actually eat the food but it is thought that the "ka" absorbs the life preserving energy. The life force goes into rest during the mummification and thus needs to be reactivated giving life and eventually joining the "ba". The painting on the tomb and the process of mummification both serve as symbols of the ancient Egyptians belief in life after death.

One of these ideas is symbolized by this photo of the San Bushman of the Kalahari in South Africa as they walk to the burial grounds of their ancestors. Most people believe that everyone experiences the same thing as an afterlife; there is no heaven and no hell and the closest thing to hell is not being able to join the ancestors. They believe any rewards or punishments come during life and the goal of life is to become an ancestor. Some groups show love and respect for the dead and others are fearful because the spirits can affect the living. In the picture of the San I think the second person from the right may be carrying either a sacrifice or some of the deceased belongs both of which are supposed to help the dead in their new life with the ancestors. The importance places on the spirits and the life as an ancestor helps to symbolizes the view that one isn't really dead until all the surviving relatives have died or no one is left to remember them.

Dancing in celebration at funerals is representative of the idea that death deepens one's relation ship with the world and grants one access to both the visible and invisible worlds. As mentioned above it is believed that the dead can affect the world of the living, so this dance is an attempt to prevent any negative effects of the death asking for the dead to not trouble the living and to reinforce the natural good in the world.
The video above and the photo to the right are both about sky burials in Tibet. Buddhism is the main religion in Tibet, and Buddhism teaches reincarnation. The rituals of the sky burial symbolize the ideas behind reincarnation as well as the Buddhist paramita (virtue) of generosity. A sky burial is essentially setting a body out for the birds to eat. It is called jhator, which literally translated is "giving alms to the birds". In the video from 1:12-2:13 one sees the bodies that are going to given. Since Buddhism believes in reincarnation, the body after the soul has left is empty and carries no meaning, therefore the body can be given to the birds in an act of great generosity. It is not unusual for the body to be cut into pieces then given to the birds. If you look closely at the picture you'll see a man carrying a knife which he has used to split open the bodies for the bird. When the birds don't eat all of the flesh, it is seen as a bad omen. This burial practice supports the Buddhist's view of the afterlife and the ideals outlined by the Buddhist religion.